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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

God's fuel...

What God Said Tonight:

Each of us, each of you have a specific purpose. You spend so much of your life seeking it out and yet you so seldom see the full extent of the purpose I have put in you. 

There is purpose in every aspect of your life. Yes, there is purpose in your successes. But there is also great purpose in your failures. There is great purpose in the times of rest. Their is great purpose in every thought, word and action that you have and make. 

I have a greater purpose and I have a master plan. Value your part in it and don't underestimate your impact, even when you think you have failed or when you have failed. 

All I need is fuel. Your life is my fuel to start the Holy Spirit fire that will ignite the earth. 

Love you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


My prayer:

My spirit is at peace tonight God. My mind, not so much. But, my spirit is at peace. 

Thank you for all that you are doing in me and in my life right now. I can't say it is comfortable but I can already see it is worth it. Thank you for new challenges. Thank you for new opportunities. Thank you for guiding me down another path. 

Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I am bringing to your life a freshness and a freedom. The opportunities you are seeing are a result of an oppression that is lifted. You endured in the oppression. You sought me. You learned much. But now, it is time for freedom from the oppreesion, the weight is lifted. 

Live free and see what can be, now. Love you!

Monday, July 6, 2015


My prayer:

Make me a better person please God. I don't ask or expect to be perfect, but please make me a better person tomorrow than I was today and a better person the next day etc. When I do look back and see my mistakes, I want to do it with the knowledge that I will be better tomorrow. 

I want to be a better blessing to the people around me. I want to be a more ready and faithful servant to your will. I want to think more about other people than I do about myself. I want to be kind, generous, caring, and full of grace. 

I want to be like you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I am in you and I am growing my presence in you. You look more like me every day. You resemble my character more every day. But remember we have an eternity together. An eternity for you to learn and to grow. 

Your life is more than a sum of rights and wrongs, goods and bads. Your life is an experience that propels you into the future that I have for you. Every experience, every last one, is used for your good and your future. Every single one is used for the good of the people in your life. When you dedicated your life to me, you gave me permission to use your life for my purpose. I can use it all. I don't throw way anything. I have got plans and purposes for all of it. 

Walk in the full assurance of my love for you, my presence in you and the transformation that it brings. Be open to change and you will change. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Enemy attack...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. 

Something is off tonight. I don't know what it is but I just feel, not right. I am usually pretty confident and comfortable in my own skin. But tonight, everything feels a little off. Even my coordination is off. My thoughts are focused on everything I have done wrong. 

I don't know what is up but I don't like it. Father, I ask for your help. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have you under my wing. I have you in the palm of my hand. I will take care of you and keep you safe now and forever. 

Your experience is not too unusual. You have an enemy and he is seeking who he can destroy tonight. He thinks if he throws you off, if he confuses you, if he throws every failure in your face, that he can get to you. 

He can't. I am your shield and your guard. Trust in me and resist his evil. You will be free and you will not be consumed. 

I love you daughter. I am yours and you are mine and this is temporary. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

The voice of God's love...

My prayer:

Wonderful day. Thank you God for healing my friend of the sciatic back pain. That was truly awesome! 

Your power, your favor, your healing and your love leave me in awe and without enough words to tell you how amazing you are. I am yours, now and forever God. 

What do we get to do tomorrow?

What God Said Tonight:

I have plans, for you, for tomorrow, but you can trust me with them.
I need you to focus on right now and right here. There are things in this moment that have great importance. There are people in this moment that need to hear your voice. There are people who need your prayers.  

You are the voice of my love on earth. Don't keep silent. Don't use that voice in judgement. Use it to spread my pure love throughout the world. 

Your most elaborate plan will not achieve more than one word of love to another person. I trust you to speak my love.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. I feel like I started the day with an energy level of 0.1 on a scale of 1 to 10 and I am ending it at a -7. Can't believe I am still concious. Thank you for all of your help today. Would love to hear your voice before I collapse into bed.

What God Said Tonight:

There are lines you don't cross because they are dangerous for you. Keep an eye out for those lines. 

There are other lines that you create in your own mind as being dangerous. Those are the ones that can limit you to less than your full life. Those are the lines that can trap you in a life that is less than what I have for you. 

It is important to learn the difference. One set of lines is for your good and the other is for your detriment. I love you and if you ask me, I will teach you the difference.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My peace...

My prayer:

Sweet Father. I have so many thoughts racing through my head tonight I can't even seem to slow them down long enough to talk about them. It would probably be better to try to quiet my mind and listen to you. When my mind is going crazy, you are my peace. When my life is crazy you are my peace. 

What God Said Tonight:

A quiet mind is a rare find sometimes. 

I will be your peace and your refuge. When nothing else seems stable, I will be your rock. When nothing else makes sense, I will be your logic. When nothing else seems to matter, I will be your purpose. 

I love you sweet daughter. I will be your everything.