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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chain of light...

My prayer:
My God your blessings are overwhelming!!! I cannot believe...well let me rephrase, I am amazed at what you did today. You keep multiplying my blessings! You keep multiplying the opportunities. You keep multiplying God and IT IS AWESOME!!! 

I did not know, did not believe that life could be this good. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Thank you for making this life possible. 

God, I pray that my life is pleasing to you. I pray that I bless you at least a little. I pray that you get at least a measure of the joy you pour out on me. LOVE YOU!!!!

What God Said Tonight:
Chains of light. That is what my kids are. 

You, are a great reflection of my light. Everywhere you go, the darkness is illuminated by the light of me reflected off off you. But your one light, your one reflection is not enough to do what I need to do now. I need you to link up with your brothers and sisters. I need you to be a chain of light that canvasses the entire earth. Decorate the world with the chain of light. Cover every corner with my light. 

Link up and shine.

Monday, January 30, 2012

God's eyes...

My prayer:
Mighty God, my protector. Today was rough but not as rough as it could have been. When I started to look at all of the things you protected me from today...or at least the things that I know about, it really changed how I saw today. During the day, I was focused on the struggles, the battles, all of the things that were going wrong. 

But then, you kept me safe when there were traffic accidents all around. You made me successful at work despite the challenges. You placed me in a position for new opportunities to be a blessing. 

You are so amazing God. Any day, any situation looked at through your eyes changes. Challenges turn into opportunities. Worry turns into faith. Lack turns into an appreciation for all that I have. Looking through your eyes God, this is a really good life! I love you God. Thank you for letting me borrow your eyes tonight.

What God Said Tonight:
My eyes are yours to borrow whenever you want. It is possible to live your life with that kind of vision, everyday and every night. It is possible. It is not easy. You have to be more focused on me than the thing in front of your face. You have to be more focused on me than on the the thing that is screaming for your attention. It isn't easy but it is worth it. 

You can live a life, on this earth, of joy, love peace, and understanding. You can, if you want to you. You have to concentrate to hear my voice over the voice that screams for your attention. You have to get still. You have to take time. I am speaking all of the time, but I won't shout, most of the time. There are so many things shouting for your attention, I don't want to become one of the crowd. I will speak softly and wait for you to take the time and the effort to hear me in the midst of the chaos. I am always here and I am always speaking if you will take the time to get quiet and listen to me. 

I love you daughter and I am working in every aspect of your life all of the time. Even when you don't see it, even when you don't hear me, even when you doubt me, I am still working everything for your good. You have shown yourself to be after my heart and I have given you promises because of that. You have done what I have asked you to do and I will do what I have promised to do. I am worthy of your trust. 

Great things are on the horizon. Most of them will come from situations that look bleak right now. It is one way I can show you my power. It is one way I help you to build your faith. I love you and I am always here, working it out for you.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

You are interesting...

My prayer:
Awesome Lord God. My mind is all over the place tonight. Thinking about the day, thinking about tomorrow, thinking about how you touched people today, thinking about what you taught me today, thinking...And, yet none of it seems worth really talking about. 

I seem to be feeling that way a lot. I always have a lot to say, but sometimes I wonder if any of it is worth saying? 

I can talk about you. That is always good. I can talk about how loving and amazing you are. I can talk about how I love that after all of this time, you can still teach me brand new stuff. I can talk about how I love being in your presence. How, in your presence I feel a peace and a love and an indescribable joy that I don't ever want to be without. That is the good stuff. Anything to do with you is worth talking about. The rest in wasting air. 

What God Said Tonight:
You don't have to think up things to talk to me about. I just want to hear what is on your mind. Whatever that is. I want to hear from you. 

I love you . You interest me. Your thoughts are interesting to me. I want to hear about the things that you enjoy and the things you don't enjoy. I want to share your joy and take on your pain. I want to be in full relationship with you. 

I don't want us to have a relationship where you only talk to me when the important stuff comes up. I want to know it all. When I ask you how your day is, I don't want to hear "fine" I really want to know. Yes, I am with you all day but I don't experience it the same way you do. I want to hear what your experience of our day has been. I want to know how life looked to you today. 

I love you daughter. When it comes down to it, I want to know you and I want you to know me. I want to be in a relationship with you that is so intimate and so strong, nothing can ever shake it. I want my thoughts and your thoughts to be woven together as one. I want to share everything with you. I love you and I am yours forever.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


My prayer:
Awesome God. I feel kind of bad God. I don't seem to have much to talk to you about lately.  Mainly my prayers during the day have been for other people or for your will to be done in my life. 

The rest of the time, I am just trying to keep up. You keep sending all these amazing opportunities to me and it doesn't leave a lot of time for self reflection. It seems like this is a season of abundance and for storing up (like "G" said yesterday). Maybe I should just go with that and not try to force anything else? 

Love you like crazy God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
Every season has a purpose. Everything  I do in your life has a significance beyond today. Every single thing that happens in your life is a preparation for tomorrow. Every celebration, every struggle, every moment of peace, every moment of strife, every new birth and every death, has meaning beyond today. 

Remember as you go through times like this that there is a future purpose and use for what you are experiencing now. Pay attention. I have a lot to teach and not a lot of time to do it. I have a lot to give you and not a lot of time to give it. I love you daughter and we have to do things all at once now so that we don't run out of time. I will teach you as we go, as we do, as we minister. There was a time where I had the luxury to teach first and then test and then bless. Now, I have to overlap those processes to get it all into you faster. Pay close attention and learn well so we can do what we need to do. 

I love you and I want you to get to experience every good thing that I have for you I want you life to be filled with joy, peace and purpose. I want so much for you. I want to bless you coming in and gong out. Blessed above and beneath, on the left and on the right. I want to surround you with my blessing. I love you and always will. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

The truth exposed...

My prayer:
God, my God. I don't want to get in the way tonight. I just want to listen. 

What God Said Tonight:
The whitewash is coming off. Things and people are being exposed for the truth that is within them. There was a time when people could hide their sin for years. That time is over. All truth is being exposed right now. Some of it is not pretty. But this is necessary. 

People are not going to be able to hide behind their comfortable masks any longer. 

It is time to live your life in the open. It is time to make sure that your life, that your heart is right with me so as the truth is exposed, I am exposed in you. Truth is good, but it can be painful sometimes. Let me be your truth and you will never need to worry. I am the truth and I will see the truth exposed in all things and in all people. 

I love you daughter. Gert ready for the truth.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time is short...

My prayer:
My God, Lord. Wonderful day, beautiful night, and always amazing to be here with you. I love closing each day in conversation with you. You know, I try to talk with you in the morning first thing, but my brain isn't really functioning very well yet. You definitely did not make me a morning person! Then, we are really talking all day, but there are other distractions most of that time. 

It is these times God, these times at night when I get to focus on you, that are so precious and wonderful. I love to hear your voice. It is my third favorite thing in the world. It comes after experiencing your love and seeing you do miracles but, pretty high on the list! Today was wonderful. Thank you for your continued favor, new friends from far off places, and health. I love you and can't wait to hear what you want to say tonight...

What God Said Tonight:
You know I keep talking about how time is running short. You are hearing me when I say that right? This is not a time for procrastination. This is not the time to wait until tomorrow. This is the time to act, to move, to do and be all that I have called you to. 

Be encouraged and never worry. I will never call you to anything that I have not already equipped you for. First, there is the battle, then the training, then the test, then the blessing. That is the cycle. 

We are about to enter the season of testing in preparation for the blessing (or cursing for some people). But, I tell you time is short. You will not know the hour or the day of it but I am on my way back to you. It will not be long. 

I will take you as far as you are willing to go. I will see you doing my will around the world 24/7. Get ready...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God moved in...

My prayer:
Father God. Your presence is thick here tonight. 

I love being in your presence. I can't imagine what it is like for people who have never experienced your presence. It is like air to me. I cannot live without your presence. Now that I know you, and as I get to know you better every day, I want to be in your presence all the time. Waiting for "church" is not enough. I need to experience you when I wake up in the morning, in the shower, during breakfast, during my commute, at work, after work, at home, with friends, when I am alone...ALWAYS. 

God, you are welcome any place I am and you are welcome any time. I LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY! What do you want to say tonight God? I am hear listening.

What God Said Tonight:
I live in you. When you invited me into your life, into your heart, I moved right in. You will never be without my presence because I am in you. 

Remember that day? It was so beautiful, by the river, you invited me into your heart. I moved in that day and I will never move out unless you evict me. I love you so much and I don't ever want to be apart from you again. 

You are my precious daughter and heir. You will receive every blessing in my will to you. They are all yours right now, right here. There is no need to wait to receive my promises. They are ALL for you. 

My children can have so much more than what they are settling for. A day will come, and come soon, when my children will step into and receive their full inheritance. But, you can have it all now if you want it. My promises are for today. Not yesterday and not tomorrow. My promises are for you and they are for today. 

Love you. Rest well and prepare to receive ALL that I have for you.